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Writer's pictureGilbert Faustin

Instructional Design And Technology: The Current State & Challenges (ID&T)

Richelieu, A. (n.d.). Little Girl Taking Classes Online. In Pexels.

ID&T At A Glance

Several trends have dramatically impacted instructional design and technology over the past decade, including technological tools available for educational and instructional purposes and innovative approaches to instruction and learning.

Schools, businesses, and universities are adapting educational technology rapidly to all aspects of the learning process. The virtual classroom promises to expand opportunities for student-teacher interaction beyond the constraints of geography.

Learning management systems and social media will be at the forefront of this global shift to online learning.

The pandemic has steered into a new era of eliminating the need to explain the importance of online education but the absolute need for it in this rapidly changing world.

Goir. (n.d.). Coronavirus pandemic headline [Daily News]. In Canva.

With the demand for ID&T comes a wide array of challenges as well with rapid growth comes issues seen and unforeseen.

ID&T professionals must thoroughly understand their educational, instructional, and training needs to meet these challenges. Hence, they can utilize ID&T products and services that fulfill those needs.

This assignment will explore the current state of ID&T along with the various difficulties and problems affecting Instructional Design and Technology.

What is instructional design?

Instructional design (ID) is systematic and data-driven, meaning that it's based on research and analytics gathered from previous experience.

When you plan a vacation, you think about what you want to get out of it: Do you want some time to relax? Do you want to go somewhere fun? Do you want to eat delicious food? Whatever your goal, you're focused on the result. This is how ID works. The end product should be an educational experience that meets a specific purpose.

(Komarova, 2017)

Video highlights instructional design and technology and what specialists do.

The Current State of ID&T

Let's be honest: online learning research has a reputation issue. So it's no surprise that many faculty members still view instructional design with skepticism.

However, when the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the rapid shift to remote teaching in higher education, that all changed. In months, the instructional design went from an undervalued field to one of the most sought-after disciplines in higher education. And to support the widespread adoption of effective teaching strategies and technologies, there has been an unprecedented boom in demand for trained instructional designers who can help create seamless online courses and digital course content.

The reality is that while this increased awareness and appreciation for instructional design is a massive win for securing faculty buy-in and collaborating more effectively, there aren't always enough instructional designers to go around.

(RIDO, n.d.)

For decades, instructional design has been a cutting-edge educational innovation. While the Coronavirus pandemic has led to a surge in demand for remote learning and distance education, the field has long adapted and developed strategies for optimal online learning.

While many professors are subject matter experts rather than online learning professionals, there's been an increase in demand for trained instructional designers over the past several years. This is a massive win for securing faculty buy-in and collaborating more effectively. However, while this increased awareness and appreciation for the field is a major plus, there aren't always enough instructional designers to go around. Hence one of the many challenges facing ID&T.


(NBC NEWS, 2020)

(CNN 10, 2020)


Challenges in Instructional Design and Technology

The following excerpt by Robert Reiser describes the current definition of Instructional Design and Technology.

The field of instructional design and technology encompasses the analysis of learning and performance problems, and the design, development, implementation, evaluation, and management of instructional and non-instructional processes and resources intended to improve learning and performance in a variety of settings, particularly in educational institutions and the workplace. Professionals in the field of instructional design and technology often use systematic instructional design procedures and employ a variety of instructional media to accomplish their goals. (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018)

Robert Reiser details a list of emerging trends and challenges in ID&T. I’ve cited a few challenges that correlate to the current state of affairs in ID&T.

Rees, J. (2015). 5 Ways Instructional Designers Can Assist Faculty. In FIU Online.

Constructivism Challenges for Designers

  • Select instructional strategy in light of the learning task

  • Ensure learners possess adequate prerequisite skills

  • Consider assessment of individual learners

  • Provide adequate scaffolding/learning guidance (Reiser, 2016)

Social Media Challenges for Designers

  • Choosing the right social media tools for various types of learning tasks

  • Including enough structure/scaffolding to support learners' desired learning outcomes

  • Identifying the appropriate role for instructors when social media are employed.

  • Especially regarding: the presentation of content provision of feedback ‌(Reiser, 2016)

Mobile Learning Challenges for Designers

  • Avoid the media bandwagon effect

  • Identify instructional affordances mobile devices provide

  • Use mobile devices to capitalize on those affordances

  • Try to reduce distracting influences

  • Re-examine theories of teaching and learning in light of the prevalence of mobile learning devices (Reiser, 2016)

Professional Development Challenges

There's an exciting shift happening in education—and it's going to start seriously impacting the way we learn. Educators are facing an unprecedented challenge today: how to incorporate digital learning without significantly increasing the workload.

Cox, J. (2019). 15 Professional Development Skills for Modern Teachers. In TEACH HUB.

In a survey conducted by Schoology The State of Digital Learning. It’s a general study via a survey that included 16,906 teachers and administrators—nearly 97% of which were from the United States. (Davis, 2020)

Many educators would love to incorporate more digital learning into their classrooms, but they're unsure of the best way to do it. Their research reveals some interesting insights, including effective professional development's main challenge.

Schoology. (n.d.). The State of Digital Learning [Review of The State of Digital Learning].

Professional Development: PD is still missing the mark. For three years now, administrators have reported the need to provide effective and relevant PD as their #1 challenge. In addition, the same concern has been the top priority for the past two years. (Davis, 2020)

Another challenge highlighted by the survey is that most schools and districts view digital learning as integral to their teaching and learning strategy. Digital learning is a vital part of teaching and learning strategies for 98% of respondents. (Davis, 2020)

Instructional Design Model Challenge

Learning experiences that achieve results are created using instructional design models. These models entail assisting pupils in acquiring and retaining new information or abilities. Effective learning can result in positive ratings, repeat customers, referrals, and improved bottom-line results from a business standpoint. Instructional Design models simplify your job by removing the ambiguity from the course design process so instructors can focus on the students.

PachecoI, A. (n.d.). Instructional Design Wordle Word Cloud. In PINTEREST.

Instructional Design models are frameworks developed by psychologists and educational researchers that organize “creating instruction” (e.g., building an eLearning course) into a streamlined process that follows research-based best practices. (Burton, 2015)

Instructional Design models:

  1. Bloom’s Taxonomy

  2. Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction

  3. ADDIE

  4. Successive Approximation Model (SAM)

  5. Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction

  6. Action Mapping

  7. Dick and Carey Model

  8. Kemp Design Model

  9. AGILE and Rapid Prototyping

  10. 70-20-10 Model (Burton, 2022)

The Future Has Arrived for Instructional Designers

The best way to ensure an exciting and prosperous future is to prepare for it now. ID&T continues to be such a critical conversation in higher education.

When we consider the future of ID&T, we envision a world in which intuitive and inventive technology is used to create new experiences based on a deep understanding of students.

ATD. (n.d.). Instructional Design Now: A New Age of Learning and Beyond [Online Image]. In PINTEREST.


  • ATD. (n.d.). Instructional Design Now: A New Age of Learning and Beyond [Online Image]. In PINTEREST.

  • Burton, C. (2015, February 4). 7 Instructional Design Storyboard Templates For Online Course Creator. ELearning Industry.

  • Burton, C. (2022, January 5). 10 Instructional Design Models For Creating A Winning Online Course. THINKIFIC.

  • CNN 10. (2020, March 14). Schools Closing Around The Country.

  • Cox, J. (2019). 15 Professional Development Skills for Modern Teachers. In TEACH HUB.

  • Davis, L. (2020, February 6). Digital Learning: What to Know in 2020. Schoology Exchange.

  • Goir. (n.d.). Coronavirus pandemic headline [Daily News]. In Canva.

  • Komarova, E. (2017, April). What is Instructional Design and Educational Technology.

  • NBC NEWS. (2020, March 9). Coronavirus: The Rippling Effects Of School Closures On Students | NBC Nightly News.

  • PachecoI, A. (n.d.). Instructional Design Wordle Word Cloud. In PINTEREST.

  • Rees, J. (2015). 5 Ways Instructional Designers Can Assist Faculty. In FIU Online.

  • Reiser, R. (2016). Ten Trends Affecting the Field of Instructional Design and Technology (M. York, Ed.). DOCPLAYER.

  • Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, J. V. (2018). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. Pearson Education.

  • Richelieu, A. (n.d.). Little Girl Taking Classes Online. In Pexels.

  • RIDO. (n.d.). Student Learning at Home with Online Lesson. In CANVA.

  • Schoology. (n.d.). The State of Digital Learning.

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